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A compilation of information to your European flash flooding

A compilation of information to your European flash flooding

Gaume, Age., Bain, V., Bernardara, P., Newinger, O., Barbuc, M., Bateman, A great., Blaskovicova, L., Bloschl, Grams., Borga, M., Dumitrescu, A., Daliakopoulos, I., Garcia, J., Irimescu, A great., Kohnova, S., Koutroulis, Good., Marchi, L., Matreata, S., Medina, V., Preciso, Elizabeth., Sempere-Torres, D., Stancalie, G., Szolgay, J., Tsanis, We., Velasco, D. and Viglione, A good. 2009. Log of Hydrology 367: 70-78.

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Glaser, Roentgen. and Stangl, H. 2004. Environment and you will flooding in Main Europe just like the Advertising a thousand: Investigation, measures, results and you will consequences. Surveys into the Geophysics twenty-five: 485-510.

Macklin, Yards

Guilbert, X. 1994. Les crues de la Durance depuis le XIVeme sicle. Frequence, periodicite et interpretation paleo-climatique. Memoire de- maitrise de- Geographie. Universite d’Aix-Marseille We, Aix-en-Provence.

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Hegerl, G., Luterbacher, J., Gonzalez-Rouco, F.J., Tett, S., Crowley, T. and you can Xoplaki, E. 2011. Influence out of human and you can sheer pushing into European regular heat. Character Geosciences 4: 99-103.

Jylha, K., Tuomenvirta, H. and you will Ruosteenoja, K. 2004. Environment changes forecasts in the Finland inside the twenty-first 100 years. Boreal Ecological Look 9: 127-152.

G., Johnstone, Age

Kundzewicz, Z.W., Ulbrich, U., Brucher, T., Graczyk, D., Kruger, A., Leckebusch, Grams.C., Menzel, L., Pinskwar, I., Radziejewski, Meters. and Szwed, Meters. 2005. June floods into the Central European countries – weather alter tune? Natural Danger thirty six: 165-189.

Llasat, Yards.-C., Barriendos, M., Barrera, A beneficial. and you will Rigo, T. 2005. Floods in the Catalonia (NE The country of spain) as 14th 100 years. Climatological and you can meteorological issues of historical documentary supplies and you may https://datingranking.net/clover-dating-review/ dated crucial information. Log out of Hydrology 313: 32-47.

and you may Lewin, J. 2005. Pervading and you will long-label pressuring off Holocene lake imbalance and ton in great britain of the centennial-measure environment changes. New Holocene fifteen: 937-943.

McCabe, Grams.J. and Wolock, D.Meters. 2002. A step increase in streamflow throughout the conterminous All of us. Geophysical Look Letters 29: 2185-2188.

Miramont, C., Jorda, M. and you may Pichard, Grams. 1998. Development historique de los angeles morphogenese et de la dynamique fluviale de toute riviere mediterraneenne: l’exemple de la moyenne Durance (France du sud-est). Geographie physique mais aussi Quatenaire 52: 381-392.

Moreno, A., Valero-Garces, B., Gonzales-Samperiz, P. and Rico, Yards. 2008. Flooding reaction to rain variability in the last 2000 ages inferred regarding Taravilla Lake number (Main Iberian Assortment, Spain). Diary regarding Paleolimnology forty: 943-961.

Mudelsee, Yards., Borngen, Yards., Tetzlaff, Grams. and you will Grunewald, U. 2003. Zero upward trends about density out of tall floods inside main Europe. Character 425: 166-169.

Mudelsee, Yards., Borngen, Yards., Tetzlaff, G. and Grunewald, You. 2004. Extreme flooding in the main Europe for the past five-hundred ages: Part out-of cyclone pathway “Zugstrasse Vb.” Diary of Geophysical Search 109: JD005034.

Mudelsee, M., Deutsch, Meters., Borngen, Meters. and you can Tetzlaff, Grams. 2006. Trends within the ton likelihood of new lake Werra (Germany) for the past five-hundred age. Hydrological Sciences Diary 51: 818-833.

4500-year number off lake flooding taken from a sediment core for the River Atnsjoen, east Norway. Journal from Paleolimnology twenty five: 329-342.

Petrow, T. and you can Merz, B. 2009. Style inside the flooding magnitude, volume and seasonality during the Germany at that time 1951-2002. Record away from Hydrology 371: 129-141.

Pfister, C. 2005. Crying regarding snow. The following chronilogical age of Absolutely nothing Ice Many years-method of impacts, 1570-1630. In: Behringer, W., Lehmann, H. and you can Pfister, C. (Eds.) Kulturelle Konsequenzen der “Kleinen Eiszeit,” Vandenhoeck, Gottingen, Germany, pp. 31-86.

Pielke Jr., Roentgen.Good. and Landsea, C.W. 1998. Normalized hurricane wreck in the united states: 1925-95. Weather and you may Forecasting thirteen: 621-631.

Pielke Jr., Roentgen.A beneficial., Gratz, J., Landsea, C.W., Collins, D., Saunders, M.An effective. and you will Musulin, Roentgen. 2008. Normalized hurricane wreck in the us: 1900-2005. Sheer Dangers Opinion 30: 29-42.

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