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Towards Karen the omens obtained try genuine revelations, versus which they challenge perhaps not head to tomorrow

Towards Karen the omens obtained try genuine revelations, versus which they challenge perhaps not head to tomorrow

Inside doing these different forms regarding divination brand new Karen, like many ancient individuals, think he could be peering towards the realm of the latest unseen however, strong forces you to definitely control the brand new universe. After they fail within their efforts even with good omens, they think you to more strength, not in favor of the only invoked, enjoys held swing. Their question after that becomes to help you profit this new go for and assistance of so it much more influential electricity inside their second venture.


As among the Polynesians and you can South Water Islanders, very also one of the Karen people, food items, pet, individuals, cities, days, labels, an such like., is actually briefly otherwise forever banned around penalty off a beneficial curse losing on those who disregard the tabu. One of many Karen instance restrictions (“ta du ta htu”) is actually mostly from the relationship, adultery, births, widows and you may orphans, portents, signs and symptoms of misfortune, plants, certain home-based pets, the brand new “Bgha” feasts, this new labels out-of persons, large waters, and the collecting off herbs having dyestuffs. New mans anxiety about unpleasant powerful morale and you may and therefore taking calamity abreast of by themselves, was at the underlying escort services in Mesa of all, if not all, ones tabus, which serve to train the point that ancient boy cannot acknowledge greater beliefs regarding carry out, but relies on precepts covering particular skills inside the lifetime. When questioned why they don’t perform some tabued serves, really Karens posts themselves on the answer, “Ta t’ ghe ba” (This is not a). The newest observation of them bans, which are always followed by specific sacrifices otherwise choices, try an issue of custom who has got descended out-of former generations.

It is obvious that every of your own tabus is actually pertaining to the new domestic existence and employment of those

Only in some occasions are they concerned about hobbies distinctly tribal. It absolutely was previously the latest custom one of the Purple Karen on mothers away from possible chiefs of one’s tribe, and for the chiefs on their own, so you can abstain from the aid of grain and you may alcohol.[28-1] The fresh new tabu for the eating regarding grain because of the this type of people is actually tough to establish; but we understand that the Purple Karen use rice reduced generally than the populace of flatlands, yams or any other roots constituting a fundamental element of the diet plan. This new suggestion has been made that tabu into alcohol ingesting from the chiefs and their mothers, is for the true purpose of promoting the fresh quality off mind thus common in the leadership of one’s group; but it’s truer to declare that they believe one from the ascetic techniques it’s possible to gain strange vitality–maybe phenomenal–often to possess on your own otherwise, in the example of the main, to have their anyone. In the event the Yellow Karen chiefs noticed its tabus it prospered, but when it ignored him or her they sustained adversity, it is alleged.

Relationships from a Karen having a man of another race are earlier strictly taboo. This exclusiveness left the fresh racial inventory natural and you may unmixed. Recently the latest ban hasn’t been carefully enforced. And this, the fresh new traps between your Karen to your one hand therefore the Burmese and Shan on the other side was some weakened, betokening–it must be confessed–an ethical looseness which had been unknown prior to. The latest town parents usually maintained you to marriages away from group (“taw leu hko”) weren’t a good, though eg unions haven’t been lately tabued. e group or of the identical community, providing the people alarmed aren’t way more closely associated than simply cousins, are allowed. To marry a relative closer than simply a cousin was incest, and all sorts of new tribes prohibit including unions. At the time regarding a married relationship from inside the a community the fresh new population was taboo to labor.

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