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With scholarships and grants and you can federal student loans, she managed to realize an informed studies possible

With scholarships and grants and you can federal student loans, she managed to realize an informed studies possible

Driven by the real tales, these types of quick video inform you exactly how consumers try properly settling their pupil fund and you may using its degree to follow its aspirations, increase life, and you may help their families.

Krystal’s Tale

Through our Elevate platform, Team Navient is committed to making our world a better place.
We aspire to always follow responsible and sustainable business practices, adhere to good corporate governance, empower our employees to bring their whole selves to work and give and volunteer in our community.

Federal Relationship

Navient try delighted to work well with Guys & People Nightclubs of The united states to create community and you will college or university believe information to help with guarantee having youth, also the individuals out of less than-resourced teams.

Environmental surroundings

We are focused on the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions in our corporate operations. We emphasize electronic communications and transactions to reduce wasted paper.

Variety & Introduction

Within Navient, we have been invested in performing an office where employees are asked and acknowledged to own who they really are because someone. We believe that our teams and you can office flourish whenever we is authentically inclusive.

Panel Range

Geneva always knew she wanted to be a professional musician.
The COVID-19 pandemic changed how and when Geneva worked causing new financial hardships. Navient was there to ensure she got the help she needed.

Those people amount aided the lady become a profitable manager at the a keen ambulatory worry heart inside Ohio, place the lady to the frontlines of one’s COVID-19 response.

Valerie D.

To have Valerie, for every telephone call are private to help you the lady center and you will works. The latest voice and you may facts on the other avoid of one’s range are the thing that pushes Valerie doing significantly more getting people throughout the this time around. We are recognized to possess the girl included in Cluster Navient. Valerie continues to be gone by the customers’ time and effort and positive mindset.

Customer interactions have changed significantly since the COVID-19 crisis began. So many people have lost so much, but they are still able to look on the bright side of things. For instance, I’m reminded of a customer in Oregon who lost her job after it had taken a lot of work to get. It was a tough blow for her. Then, her husband was laid off too. They could no longer afford to stay in their home, so they had to move in with her grandmother. I had tears in my eyes just listening to her story. But even while I was there to help her, she taught me something that day. She said, “Although it’s been a rough transition with two small children, there is a silver lining: Grandma needed us just as much as my family needed Grandma.” Knowing that I could help this family remove some of the pressure of the student loan payments really warmed my heart.Working for Navient allows me to use my gifts and talents to better the world around me. An encouraging word spoken at the right time can change the outcome.

Patti C.

Patti helps 255 payday loans online Indiana borrowers stay on track by getting them into the repayment program that’s best for them. Patti understands personally what it’s like to be in default with her student loans, so she has a mission: help borrowers by providing a path that works. She wants to provide people with the same care and support she received from her own friend.

My job is to help people by o?ering them opportunities to get their student loans out of default and out of collections. I listen to them and try to help them with the best program that I can. I understand the struggle that some borrowers have when their loans are in default and their tax refunds are being taken by the government. A few years ago, before I started working at Navient, my loans were in default too. My husband had abandoned me with three children and no way to support myself. If it weren’t for a friend who worked here who assisted me with getting my loans back into good standing, I might still be struggling with my loans.A lot of people hear “debt” or “collections” and automatically think our job is just to take people’s money and not help them. But federal student loans have so many options, including options where you pay just a small percentage of your income. I’m proud to be working for Navient, helping people with their student loans.

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