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Yukio Okumura ( ?? ??  Okumura Yukio ) was Rin’s younger, fraternal twin-brother

Yukio Okumura ( ?? ??  Okumura Yukio <a href="https://datingranking.net/de/japanische-datierung/">https://datingranking.net/de/japanische-datierung/</a> ) was Rin’s younger, fraternal twin-brother

A level arrow and type-hearted by nature, they are the latest youngest person to ever solution the new Exorcist degree exam, achieving a Meister within the Doctor and Dragoon, and soon after will get an instructor at the Genuine Cross Academy, where he ironically turns out training their more mature sis regarding way of new Exorcist.


Yukio enjoys teal attention and you may darkish hair. His most remarkable attribute is actually a couple moles less than his left attention plus one one under their mouth area.

About cartoon, Yukio can be seen that have a strange black colored mark-on the lower of his kept arm which is now starting to give throughout their muscles. This could has actually something you should do together with his brand-new birthright while the Satan’s man together with Demonic powers he had been meant to has actually distributed to Rin, since Yukio was revealed carrying out his every single day evaluation plus it reacted, nevertheless the draw is actually never ever completely informed me in the anime (even though Shura appeared as if worried by the sight from it).

About comic strip, just like the awakening their Demonic efforts into the occurrence twenty two, Yukio today and has now a similar Demonic have since the their sibling, Rin, when in their person function (elizabeth.g. the newest somewhat indicated ears and you will crisper dogs). While in his Demon form, the guy as well enjoys a bluish flame, elf-eg ears, and fangs.


While they is twins, Yukio is sometimes detailed to-be the opposite of Rin, and Ryuji also claims he finds out it tough to think that they’re associated. Yukio is usually recognized as hushed and you can calm but will possess moodiness. They are usually viewed joyfully cheerful, but may effortlessly get sidetracked due to Rin’s identification conflict, and will get rather ebony. The guy takes anything definitely, however, the guy knows a tale as he hears you to.

He does not should partake in ‘unseemly’ actions. He is constantly timely and you can lectures Rin on how best to perform. Because the manga goes on, Yukio gets more about frustrated with his twin as the Rin has actually doing things one to lay him at stake. While you are Rin ultimately allows what he is as well as the fact that he or she is Satan’s guy, Yukio just can’t seem to take on Rin due to the fact a sis for example the guy used to.

With the a few hours, he or she is shown to possess a highly competitive front side, even though he’s decent during the covering up it. When the he is forced too far, he is able to acquire an increasingly mad character. His upset top is really so serious so it frightens Rin whenever it can make alone understood. Then it right down to his Demonic tradition even regardless if the guy did not and get Satan’s flames such as for example Rin. The things that irritate your become, but they are not limited so you can, anyone criticizing Shiro, Rin becoming “childish”, Shura’s teasing, getting left from the cycle, somebody asking him in the event the he could be all right, being titled “weak”.

In the event he and you can Rin go along, in most cases, Yukio is commonly quite standoffish and you can aloof into his sister, interested in him annoying and not liking when he does not envision things as a result of. He has also a secret bitterness towards Rin, not only because he could be a devil while the man out of Satan, and also as the the guy seems Rin is just one accountable for their adoptive dad’s death.

Yukio started to be crazy because of his or her own “weakness” lately than the his old sis which the guy seen to be “perfect”, and therefore come immediately after his fight with Todo with his vision turning bluish. Which motivated him for more information from the their birth and you will tradition, causing him to be a little more about unpredictable compared to his usual demeanor, fighting actually his scholar and you can members of the family. Their discovery of your own facts brought about your so you’re able to problem on the True Cross Acquisition as well as capture Rin throughout the head, displaying yet another variety of callousness and you will coldness.

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